Barbora Lake

Vodní nádrž Barbora was created in the 1970s by flooding the Barbora surface mine. The water surface covers an area of 65 hectares with a depth of almost 70 meters. Thanks to this depth, the self-purification capacity of this water body is so high that the occurrence of cyanobacteria is not a threat, and the water clarity is comparable to the sea. Due to all these advantages, this reservoir is frequently visited by people not only from Teplicko and Ústecký regions but gradually also by tourists from all over the country and abroad.

Barbora Lake

Since the quarry was flooded almost half a century ago, the banks of this water body have gradually greened, and a deciduous forest has grown here, which encircles Barbora along 70% of its shoreline.

The main beach has a length of approximately 500 meters and is entirely grassy. Eurocamp Barbora is located in the middle of this beach, and the distance from the shore is 20 meters. This water body is heavily used by sailors and windsurfers, who can fully utilize this beautiful water surface thanks to favorable winds.

Several times a year, sailing races are held here, and an active water sports club - Jacht klub Duchcov - has its boathouse here.

Thanks to the cleanliness of the water, a diving center has also grown here, where not only diving courses are conducted, but also various exercises for all rescue units.
Since Barbora has been flooded for such a long time, it has gradually turned from "dead" water into a renowned center for anglers, who wait on the forested banks for their grand fish catch. In addition to carp fish, all kinds of predatory fish are found here.

However, the most beautiful thing here is swimming at any time of the day, especially at sunset, which is the highlight of the day. Those who are not very comfortable with the great depth below them can swim along the shore and still enjoy the cleanliness of Barbora's water, with visibility of at least 5 meters depth.
For all visitors of Eurocamp Barbora, access to the beaches is free.

Destinační agentura
Krušnohoří, z.s.

Závodní 353/88
360 06 Karlovy Vary
Company ID: 17707285
Data mailbox: tedd9xw


  • Karlovy Vary Region
  • Ústí nad Labem Region
  • Mining Region Ore Mountains