Discover the unique underground world of Jáchymov without having to descend 500 meters beneath the earth. Book a tour of the gallery, which is an accurate replica of the Svornost mine, complete with supports, timbering, drill holes, collapses, mining equipment, shaft lifts, uranium veins, radon water pipes, and stalactites. Entry is only allowed with a helmet, and the smallest visitors can enjoy crawling in one section, mimicking the position miners in the 16th century used to mine silver in darkness with a lamp. During the one-hour visit, you will have a guided tour that concludes with the film "Magické místo Jáchymov."
T. G. Masaryka 387
362 51 Jáchymov
In the tour adit, there is a new exhibition called Jáchymovské peklo. It is dedicated to all political prisoners who went through labor camps in the Jáchymov region. You can view a timeline with the most important dates across Jáchymov's history. You will learn about the labor camps that were located in the Jáchymov region and see profiles of the prisoners. The exhibition is also complemented by items closely related to this era and personal belongings of the imprisoned individuals.
Open Monday - Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Destinační agentura
Krušnohoří, z.s.
Závodní 353/88
360 06 Karlovy Vary
Company ID: 17707285
Data mailbox: tedd9xw