Mountain Rescue Service

The Mountain Rescue Service ČR in its activities particularly:

  • organizes and conducts rescue and search operations in mountain terrain,
  • provides first aid and ensures the transport of the injured,
  • creates conditions for the safety of mountain visitors,
  • ensures the operation of rescue and reporting stations of the HS,
  • performs the installation and maintenance of warning and informational devices,
  • collaborates in the issuance and distribution of preventive safety materials,
  • informs the public about weather and snow conditions in the mountains and HS measures to ensure safety in the mountains,
  • cooperates with public administration bodies, nature and environmental protection authorities, and other bodies and organizations,
  • monitors injury rates and analyzes the causes of injuries in the mountains, proposes and recommends measures to reduce them,
  • performs patrol activities on ridges, ski slopes, standby service at stations and HS houses,
  • conducts avalanche observations,
  • prepares and trains its members and trainees,
  • cooperates with other rescue organizations both at home and abroad.

Mountain Rescue Service Krušné hory

Dům HS
362 62 Boží Dar 204

[email protected]
+420 1210; +420 353 815 140

Chief: Bc. Miroslav Račko
+420 1210, +420 602 372 487


HS Stations in Krušné hory

Destinační agentura
Krušnohoří, z.s.

Závodní 353/88
360 06 Karlovy Vary
Company ID: 17707285
Data mailbox: tedd9xw


  • Karlovy Vary Region
  • Ústí nad Labem Region
  • Mining Region Ore Mountains