Stylish hunting restaurant. We organize custom-made wedding celebrations, have experience and a long-standing tradition, a stylish environment for wedding or birthday celebrations, and many satisfied newlywed couples. The ceremony can be held in the area of the game reserve. Hall capacity 45 people, restaurant 30 people. Game restaurant - ready meals, quick meals, game meat, pizzeria, grilling piglets and chickens. We also offer pizza and langos.
The adjacent game preserve was also frequently visited by spa guests such as Goethe, Beethoven, and many other famous personalities. However, in 1945 the game preserve was destroyed. Thanks to the Severočeské státní lesy, the chateau was reconstructed in 1974 and a new game preserve of approximately 20 hectares was built around it. The preserve houses typical wildlife of the Ore Mountains: European deer, Dybowski's sika deer, roe deer, fallow deer, and wild boar. In the foreseeable future, a revitalization of the preserve is planned as well.
Destinační agentura
Krušnohoří, z.s.
Závodní 353/88
360 06 Karlovy Vary
Company ID: 17707285
Data mailbox: tedd9xw