Guesthouse with a restaurant Horiz

Guesthouse with a restaurant Horiz

You can find Penzion Horiz in the mountain village Nové Město at

an altitude of approximately 800m, located in the Krušné

mountains near the Czech-German border crossing Moldava and 20 km

from the spa town Teplice.


You will find complete accommodation and dining services here.

The guesthouse is for all age groups, especially

for lovers of active holidays.

Within 500m from the hotel, there is the Bouřňák ski

resort, which offers downhill skiing,

a ski school, ski service, and ski equipment rental. In the vicinity, there is also the possibility of using a large

number of groomed cross-country ski tracks.


In the summer months, the Krušné mountains provide many

hiking and cycling trails.

In the German town Geising, 5 and 10 km away, there are

a chairlift and an indoor pool with sauna and solarium in Altenberg,

a ski slope, and a bobsled track.

Destinační agentura
Krušnohoří, z.s.

Závodní 353/88
360 06 Karlovy Vary
Company ID: 17707285
Data mailbox: tedd9xw


  • Karlovy Vary Region
  • Ústí nad Labem Region
  • Mining Region Ore Mountains