Save the Pernink Cinema

Join us in saving the first sound and longest-running cinema on the ridge of the Ore Mountains. SAVE KINO PERNINK! 100 YEARS. Pernink Cinema will turn 100 on June 24, 2024. And we would like to give it such a renovation as a birthday present so that it can be opened again as soon as possible to all film and general cultural enthusiasts. Listen to the story of Kino Pernink from Aleš Háma, Ladislav Vetešník and Martin Liška.AND HOW TO SUPPORT THE CINEMA?CONTRIBUTEto the transparent account 131-2464630237/0100 or to the collection box at the municipality office in PerninkJOIN THE CELEBRATIONon June 21 and 22 at PERNINK HILLS 90/100 / 90 years of the Elementary School, 100 years of Kino Pernink, Krušnohoří festivalSHARETalk about the cinema, share this video on social networks, join the brigades!More information can be found on the website

Destinační agentura
Krušnohoří, z.s.

Závodní 353/88
360 06 Karlovy Vary
Company ID: 17707285
Data mailbox: tedd9xw


  • Karlovy Vary Region
  • Ústí nad Labem Region
  • Mining Region Ore Mountains